Allow yourself some peaceful time in the lovely atmosphere of the Artists’ Christmas Bazaar on 10th – 11th December at 11 am – 6 pm. The fair takes place in the Art Museum of Jyväskylä in Kauppakatu 23. Entrance is free. Welcome!

Allow yourself some peaceful time in the lovely atmosphere of the Artists’ Christmas Bazaar on 10th – 11th December at 11 am – 6 pm. The fair takes place in the Art Museum of Jyväskylä in Kauppakatu 23. Entrance is free. Welcome!
Kiitos, kun olitte mukana ihanassa basaariviikonlopussa taidemuseo Holvissa.
Joululahjat tunnelmallisesta Jouluisesta taidebasaarista 11.-12.12.2021 Jyväskylän taidemuseolla.